This is an illustration of a Themed Center component with default configuration.
<Center bg="$primary500" h={200} w={300}>
<Text color="white" fontWeight="$bold">
This is the center.

API Reference


To use this component in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import { Center } from '@gluestack-ui/themed';


The structure provided below can help you identify and understand a Center component's various parts.
export default () => <Center />

Component Props

This section provides a comprehensive reference list for the component props, detailing descriptions, properties, types, and default behavior for easy project integration.


It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.


All the components in gluestack-ui are unstyled by default. To customize your UI using the extendedTheme, please refer to this link. The import names of components serve as keys to customize each component.

Spec Doc

Explore the comprehensive details of the Center in this document, including its implementation details, checklist, and potential future additions. Dive into the thought process behind the component and gain insights into its development journey.